I'm sure the Governing Body are besides themselves in fear over the leaks and what this means for the Organization to have secret communication spread all over the World Wide Web exposing them as imposters and frauds.
I'm sure every mega buck lawsuits they loose and pay out big time due to breaches in secrecy has befuddled the half brain nit wits. They now live in a glass house due to a stealthy 5TH Column.
Any efforts they use now to eradicate the supposed spies will blow up in their faces because so many surrounding the GB are fed up with this bunch of know nothing delusional frauds in sheep's clothing, masquerading as some type of obedient F&DS doing only what makes Jehovah the corporation sock puppet happy and not sad or disgusted.
I'm thinking even the Governing Body's helpers are moles, and that they(the GB) should expect it to only go from bad to worse from here on in while they rearrange the deck chairs and agree on who plays the final song on the Titanic before it goes down.